Chair: Prof. Zhan Lihua
14:00 - 14:15 Zhe Liu (Monash)
“Two-dimensional shape memory materials – a density functional theorycomputational study ”
14: 15-14:30 吴华春 (WUT )
“Study on Structural Optimization Design and Cascade PID Control of Maglev Actuator for Active Vibration Isolation System1”
14:30 -14:45 钟国梁 ( CSU )
“Rolling planning and control of a novel hexapod parallel robot with integrated limb mechanism”
14:45 -15:00 Tuncay Alan (Monash )
“Xray compatible microfluidics for in-situ bio/chemical studiesat synchrotron sources”
15:00 -15:30 Coffee Break
Chair: Prof. Zhan Lihua
15:30 -15:45 郭敏 (WUT)
“Effects of cross-flow on the spray under atmosphere and pressure ambience”
15:45-16:00 何虎 ( CSU )
“Low temperature sintering of Ag nanoparticles/graphene composites for paper based writing electronics ”
16:00 -16:15 Chao Chen (Monash )
“Mechanism with remote centre of motion for robotic surgery ”
16:15 -16:30 赵维玮 (WUT)
“Understanding the mechanism of ion-conductive hydrogel to enable soft microfluidic transducers”
16:30-17:30 三校老师与机电院硕博士研究生及中澳班本科生座谈
(注:三校是指澳大利亚蒙纳士大学、武汉理工大学、BET体育365投注官网,每年由一所大学主办学术交流会,今年由BET体育365投注官网主办,Mechanical Engineering为本次交流会五个主题之一。)